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Nord Stage 3 88 key live performance keyboard hire

Nord Stage 3 hireNord Stage 3 hire

£120.00 + VAT per day

£360.00 + VAT per week

Nord Stage 3 88 keyboard is a stage piano with 88 hammer action weighted keys.

The Nord Stage 3 88 features the latest Nord Lead A1 Synth Engine, Nord C2D Organ Engine, enhanced piano section and a wide range of on board effects.

Memory has been doubled to 2GB for the improved piano sound library giving on of the best selection of sounds available.

Supplied in flight-case with power cable, sustain pedal & single keyboard stand.

Performance/General – OLED-displays for Program and Synth section, Seamless transitions when changing programs, Extended Split functionality with optional Crossfade, Song List Mode, Extended Morph Destinations

Piano section – Doubled memory (2GB) for the Nord Piano Library, Greatly expanded polyphony (120 voices), Creative Filter presets, Layer category

Synth section – Nord Lead A1 Synth Engine with Sample playback, Dedicated OLED display for Oscillator functions, Expanded Memory (480 MB) for the Nord Sample Library 3.0, Extended Polyphony, Super Wave category (S-wave)

Organ section – Nord C2D Organ Engine, 2 new Pipe Organ models, Model 122 Vintage Rotary Speaker – available per Slot

Effects – Improved Delay with added Feedback filters and Analog Mode, Filter Mode with Resonance, Separate Compressor per Slot with Amount and Fast mode, Separate Reverb per Slot with Bright mode.

The Nord Stage 3 has three sound generating sections; Piano, Organ and Synthesizer, all of which can be used simultaneously. Furthermore, the Nord Stage 3 has 2 separate slots allowing you to have 2 Pianos, 2 Organs and 2 Synths plus Effects at the same time for massive sonic flexibility.

A new Song Mode lets you easily organize a group of Programs for each specific song in the list. Each song can consist of up to 5 different Programs, freely assignable from your existing Programs. You can create unique Song Lists for different bands or situations and the names and order can be easily customized.

SKU: SS1461 Category: Tags: ,

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